One recent photograph 2 inch x 2 inch, meeting strict specifications. Kindly ensure that you are entering the correct data while online registration and filling. Overseas citizenship of india oci passport at canada. Please note that the application once finalized cannot be modified. The oci card provides the bearer with the right of multiple entry and a lifelong visa to india however the oci application process has strict oci documents that are required with an online. Download application, oci registration form part b. You can apply for oci card at the official government source instead of our website. Applicants should not worry about providing extensive proof of their indian. India visa information australia application forms and checklist. The photograph size is 51 x 51 mm, with light plain background, the details of photograph. Hello all, it sounds dumb, but i m really struggling ways to edit my already filled application form. Overseas citizenship of india oci miscellaneous services. Proof of present citizenship copy of present valid passport applicable in all cases, with validity of minimum 6 months at the time of submission of application.
Indian visa india visa application visa for india from. Overseas citizenship of india oci commonly known as dual citizenship to the persons of indian origin pios who migrated from india and acquired citizenship of a foreign country other than. On selecting new oci registration the form has popup makes it very clear it is mandatory to upload applicants image and applicants signature image during oci. Oci visa application help and indian oci passport photo in paddington at reload internet duration. Take note of the list of documents to be couriered with the application form. Please check that all fields in the form are filled in and all necessary enclosures are attached before submission of the form. After emailing us your photo image and signature image we will send it back to you with the exact size requirements, ready for you to upload on your oci card application form. Before filling the application, instructions may be perused so that there is no mistake in submission of application.
Keep original documents with you when going to the consulate as the documents uploaded are verified by the authorities. Separate form to fill when converting pio to oci their is a simple form to fill when applying for oci in lieu of pio. In case of fresh application for registration as oci cardholder, following documents are to be attached. Step by step instructions to fill online government form for oci application. Convert your pio card to oci card free oci in lieu of pio. How to get oci card in the uk the complete guide 2020. Online application form fully filled, printed and part b completed. Now you have to fill, print and sign the online oci form.
All data you provide will be used solely for your oci card process. You have completed the online part of the oci registration process. Oci miscellaneous services application form must be submitted online on the ministry of home affairs website. If you prefer to mail in your registration you can download this form and send it along with the fee to. Oci contract premier office seating manufacturer menu skip to content. Sign the application form at all relevant places and affix. Please select ocipio information and then download the forms which are relevant to you. Indian visa india visa application oci how to apply ckgs.
The application form for registration as an overseas citizen of india oci under section 7a of the citizenship act, 1955 is available. Form xix see rule 25b application for registration as an overseas citizen of india under section 7a of the citizenship act,1955. Overseas citizenship of india is granted to applicants who have acquired citizenship of a foreign country and who were of indian origin, or were or are eligible to become a citizen of india, or are a spouse of an oci pio holder or a spouse of citizen of india. India visa information australia application forms. Fill out part a which now requires that you upload your image and signature and part b which now requires you to upload supporting documents of the online oci application, which is only available online. Form for registration as overseas citizen of india oci. India visa information uk overseas citizens of india oci. Indian oci application form keyword found websites. In order to apply for oci, you must complete both part a and part b, as per. Oci application guide how to fill oci form get oci card.
Proof of present citizenship copy of present valid passport applicable in all. As you suggested i looked at the indian high commission website but they seem to be. The printed oci form and relevant documents are then sent to the consulate or appropriate office that applies to your jurisdiction. Form xix application for registration as an overseas.
Application for registration as oci can be made online. Additional form to be filled by nonnew zealand nationals click here to download additional form to be filled by those applying for business visa for india. Dear sir thank you for your email which has been very helpful. You can apply for oci card at the official government source instead of our. How to apply for oci card for new born in usa by post. Copy of oci registration card first and last page high commission or consulate general of india may.
This feature is to download and reprint application form, that you. Reload internet passport photos and printing 7,852 views. Online registration visa extensionltv conversion and other misc. Before filling the application, instructions may be perused so that there is no mistake in faq about oci cgitoronto name of the. Lanes for lane, co oci, 4221 n 203rd st, ste 200, elkhorn, ne 68022. After successful registration of the online application and uploading the pdf copy of the eligibility documents, the applicant is required to submit a print out of the duly signed application form at. Overseas citizenship of india is granted to applicants who have acquired citizenship of a foreign country and who were of indian origin, or were or are eligible to become a citizen of india, or.
Failure to upload all the necessary documents can lead to delays in your application andor your application not being accepted. Click on go to governemt of india online oci application form. Oci card online application signature image problems and. Under the indian citizenship act, persons of indian origin are not allowed to claim dual citizenship. Visit ministry of home affairs web site and click on online registration and complete the form part a online. Uploading of the supporting documents for an application is a mandatory part of the application process. Copy of oci registration card first and last page high commission or consulate general of india may seek more information or documents if necessary to process the application. The authorization and approval of the export should take place before you try to export these. Overseas citizenship of india or oci, an applicant requires oci renewal process once heshe completes fifty years of age. Oci government sample form step by step instructions to fill online government form for oci application you must go to ckgs website and read and understand how to apply page. Oci documents required for your oci application form. A person registered as oci is eligible to apply for grant of indian citizenship under section 51g of the citizenship act, 1955 if heshe is registered as oci for five years and has been residing. Have you any member of your family applied for oci registration earlier.
Please see instructions below before filling up the form. Fill out part a which now requires that you upload your image and signature and part b which now requires you to upload supporting documents of. Application for registration as an overseas citizen of india under section 7a of the citizenship act,1955. Sample of application form with instruction to complete online oci form. Application for registration as an overseas citizen of india under section 7a of the. In order to apply for oci, you must complete both part a and part b, as per the instruction below. Top sites download oci application form 2019 latest. Download and use this form for applying for an application to export restricted items. I have filled the oci application form and uploaded all the required documents along with. This form is made available by the foreigners division of.
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